Loving God…Sharing God’s Love
No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome at Affinity Baptist Church! We are a community of believers that extends love and grace, just as it has been extended to us.
What is our service like?
On Sunday mornings, you will experience a worship service with both traditional and contemporary elements.
Our 8:00am and 10:45am services meet in our sanctuary and are a blend of traditional and contemporary praise songs led by our worship team. Our choir will perform, prayers will be lifted for those in need, scripture will be read, and one of our pastors will teach from the Bible.
At all services we take an offering, but this is for our members and regular attenders as part of their commitment to God and the church. As a visitor, please do not feel obligated to make a donation.

What should I wear?
We encourage people to come as they are and to be comfortable. You’ll see people dressed in a wide range of clothing, from jeans to dress clothes. We want you to feel at home, so come as you are most comfortable. We are a congregation of all ages.
How often do you take Communion?
If you’re visiting on the first Sunday of the month, you can expect Communion to be served. We ask that only those whio profess a personal faith in Jesus Christ participate in this holy sacrament.
What about my children?
Our Infant and Nursery ministry is currently being reorganized, This ministry would include children ages newborn to 4 years. We welcome children ages 4 years to 6th grade to participate in Children’s Church. We also have Teen Church for ages 13-to18. The Youth programs are held 2-4th Sundays. We appreciate your patience as we work towards improving our Children’s and Youth Ministry. Please check back soon for updates.

How do I get connected?
At Affinity, we value community. We try to provide many ways for individuals to get connected within our church. You’ll hear about a lot of these opportunities from the pulpit on a Sunday morning, as well as in the Sunday Bulletin. Be sure to say hello to Pastor Maxwell or any of our Clergy in the vestibule after service, and feel free to ask questions of our greeters in the lobby.
We also encourage you to visit the Latest News section of our website to see all the weekly opportunities there are to connect with other members of our fellowship. We look forward to getting to know you!