Our Vision for Stewardship

Christian stewardship is our understanding that all we have, and all we are, comes from God; and that we are therefore called to manage all of our resources in ways that honor God, bless human kind and protect God’s earth. The Stewardship Ministry at Affinity—headed by the Board of Trustees—is responsible for leading us in the management and use of our Church’s assets in keeping with this vision.


As members of the Body of Christ at Affinity, we strive to give generously, cheerfully and often, understanding that the biblical vision for funding ministry is the bringing of tithes and offerings into God’s storehouse. To all who participate in the grace of giving at Affinity know that our Trustees strive to judiciously handle all offerings, investments and expenditures faithfully as “lead-stewards” in the household of God.



Click a tab below to our stewardship opportunities


Online Giving

Our Online Giving Portal will empower you to use emerging technology to manage your giving experience in the comfort of your home or if you’re on the go. Sign up today and set-up your automatic giving account. You’ll be able to track your personal giving commitment in a safe and secure environment.


Deciding to participate in Affinity’s online giving program is your choice. It is not intended to replace our traditional act of giving during Sunday service; rather, it’s meant to enhance it.


If you’d still like to participate in our traditional giving, offering envelopes are located in each pew. It is recommended you use an envelope for all of your traditional giving. This is a great way to manage your regular and special offerings.


Give Online



ProVision Campaign

The God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build… [Nehemiah 2:20]


Affinity Missionary Baptist Church has begun a new chapter in our journey together in ministry, as we have come together to launch plans for the long-range development of our church campus. ProVision provides our congregation with a unified vision for developing our church campus over time, in a fiscally responsible manner, equipping our ministries to bless people and change lives.


A phased development plan has been created, empowering us to build our church campus, without incurring excessive amounts of debt. The expansion of our church campus is planned in five phases:


  • Phase I: The James E. McJunkin Center for Missions, a modern, safe and fully accessible facility for Affinity ministries to deliver their local missions efforts.
  • Phase II: Affinity Life Center has facilities that will allow for health and recreational programming for our membership, and the surrounding community.
  • Phase III: The Affinity Child Care Center, a full service care and education for infants, toddlers and preschoolers with elementary-style classrooms and secure indoor and outdoor recreational areas.
  • Phases IV & V: Expanded office facilities and parking providing increased office space for the church administrative staff, and a satellite parking lot for the congregation.


With your help, the ProVision Fund will equip us to break ground for our initial phase of development in the Spring of 2016, and to break ground on subsequent phases in three to five year periods. We encourage you to support ProVision and join us in “building, blessing and changing lives.”

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