Whenever the word “ministry” is used in the Bible, it is a translation of a Hebrew word or a Greek word meaning “service.” Likewise, whenever the word “minister” is found in the Bible, it is a translation of a Hebrew or Greek word meaning “servant.” In our society, ministers are often viewed as paid “professionals” who serve full-time in their positions and who have received specialized education and credentials in order to occupy the “positions” which they hold. The Bible teaches, however, that all Christians are called into service or ministry and that each of us has been specially gifted by God to fulfill a particular ministry or ministries or service within the church.


Affinity’s ministry department is headed by our Deacons Ministry. The deacons, along with the deaconesses, provide loving, nurturing, benevolent care for the Affinity family during times of joy and sorrow. Each member is assigned to a deacon care group. If you or a member of your family is in need, or if you know of a member in need, contact our church office for assistance.


Shelter from the Storm

Our Christ-centered recovery ministry for anyone affected personally or relationally by behavioral, emotional and/or chemical addictions. If you are presently struggling or have ever struggled with a behavioral and/or a chemical additional, or you have been or are presently impacted by a loved ones addictive behavior, then Shelter From the Storm is for you.

The Prayer Circle

At any given time, the Circle is praying for someone. This 24/7, 365 days a year ministry is designed to cover with prayer assist members who are experiencing crisis in their lives. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in this ministry and desire to share your gift of prayer with others, or if you are in need of prayer.

Enlightened Book Club

Is reading is your passion? Then contact the church office by filling out the form below and choosing BOOK CLUB as your interest. 

Youth & Teen Ministries

From the youngest child to our eldest teen, the youth of Affinity are actively involved in ministry in the church and in our community.

MarComm Ministry

Creative flare, a strong writer, do you love to design? Then you’re in the right place. We’re constantly in search of marketing and design professionals who are blessed to use their gifts to promote the Gospel! Please fill out the form below if you are interested in this ministry.

Healing Hearts Ministry

If you’ve experienced a loss you feel you can no longer bear alone, contact us to learn more about the comfort and strength available to you through Affinity’s Bereavement Support Group. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in this ministry.




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